Cascada Urlatoarea - The Screamer Waterfall

Yes, today we went hiking. The hotel owner was nice enough and gave Mikey and I a ride to the Caraiman Monastery first, which saved us a good 45 minutes of hiking. We started there, at a little monastery tucked in at the bottom of the mountains. Pretty, but we were not really in the mood for it, so after a quick walk around we started towards the waterfall. We cut through the forest almost back into town, then we start on a wide gravel road, pretty busy at this time of the day with fellow hikers and locals. On the side of the road there is a little creek, and on the other side of the creek a little pasture bordered by fir trees. It looks like a piece of a fairy tale, and I half expect some magic creature to come riding out from behind the tress and into the pasture. It is peace to my soul.
Caraiman Monastery - the lodgings

A piece of fairytale... or Heaven
So far Mikey is cooperating and seems excited about the hike to the waterfall. When we reach the first panel, we figure out the hike is about 45-60 minutes, which seems doable. So we start. However, 5 minutes into the hike, the path takes a sharp left turn on the mountain, leaving behind the gravel road. We're walking under trees now, on a completely wild path, pretty steep and muddy, with natural steps made by tree roots, but I am loving it!

Follow the red circle they said...
Mikey not so much. The complaining starts 5 minutes into this section of the hike. He tries really hard to keep up the pace with a snail and stops every 40-50 feet to rest. He's mad because I always take him hiking. He hates Romania because there is too much walking. He hates the mountains because they're too steep and we can't take a taxi to the waterfall (?!?!?!?!). He hates life because he's always busy and never has time to relax. He hates and hates and hates and I start hating too....but not enough to turn around. I try to ignore him and keep on walking; I try to motivate him and give him the "feel good to finish something" talk; I try to bribe him with toys after the hike; I try to threaten him with loss of TV for the rest of the summer... but he is determined that he hates hiking and if he must do it he will do it at his own pace. I am determined that he will do it and do it at a reasonable pace. After about 45 minutes of this whining nightmare I realize we didn't even do 1/3 of the hike and I start getting angry and worried; we stop on a log and have a little chat. Continuing at this pace is probably not safe, because it will take us about 3 hours to get there, another 3 hours to come back, and then we have at least another 45 minutes of walking through town. I foresee a painful, if not dangerous experience if we continue like this, especially because the forecast says thunderstorms late afternoon. The choices are: we turn around now and call it the day, or we pick up the pace, try harder and do it. We take a few minutes of quiet time, him to think about the decision (the ball is in his court now), and I to prepare myself mentally for quitting and condoning quitting. To my delight however, Mikey decides that we will not turn around; he says he's ready to go see the waterfall and pick up the pace. And, lo and behold, once he made this decision we are in a different world: he's moving along, he's content and I am happy because we're moving on and because it was his decision, after all, to keep going. And it came at the right time too because after 2 or 3 more minutes we get into that portion of the path that is almost straight. So now we can really pick up the pace, walking and talking like experienced hikers, stopping ever so often to admire the landscape. The path is narrow, with curves here and there, and, did I say, muddy, but today, now, we are both happy to walk it and feel the sticky gooey mud under our boots.
The new path

Glimpse of Busteni
Mud bath
In about 30 minutes we are at the waterfall. It is called "Urlatoarea" - roughly translated as "The Screamer" , because you can hear its roar from far away (but this is true for all waterfalls, isn't it?). From here on, the usual stuff: take pictures, get a snack, play in the water, play with some dogs, and head back to town. We get there tired and hungry but happy; stop for lunch and to pick up some souvenirs, then take the 45 minutes walk through Busteni to our hotel.
Urlatoarea - The Screamer

Sure enough, he found some dogs
What a wonderful experience we had today! The waterfall in itself is pretty common, but I think I sort of expected it. What makes it worthwhile is the hike there, through a beautiful part of the Bucegi Mountains; a hike through an almost enchanted forest, with clean, fresh air, surrounded by greenery and little treats thrown our way by Mother Nature: a few berries here and there, mushrooms, birds, mini waterfalls and even the Old Man of the Green Tree! :)

Wild strawberries and raspberries

The Old Man of the Green Tree
What makes this waterfall extra special for Mikey and I is the journey through our emotions that took place during the physical journey. This is because we each had to conquer ourselves and some very personal fears, but I am so happy to say that we both did it. We are better for it, as a small family unit, and I think that from here on we are to have smooth(er) sailing, and hopefully more hikes like this. For what is a hike, if not a journey of discovery?

July 24, 2018


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