Day 6

Day 6

Today we take it easy. Mikey is well rested, got almost 12 hours of sleep, and eats a good breakfast. We head out to the Museum of Discovery and Science. I love Childrens Museums, we didn't have anything like this when I was growing up, and I love the fact that they are built around the concept of kids learning through doing. Not only they are allowed to touch, they are encouraged to explore and immerse themselves in science and nature. Mikey loves them too, so we're good. The museum is not very big, but has some cool space, nature and science exhibits, as well as some 7D rides. We have fun. Mikey gravitates towards nature and stays away from the more complex science stuff. I stand back and watch him having fun and learning. I also see him watching some of the easy mechanics stuff, and trying to figure out how they work. He will probably not be an engineer, I don't see the interest, but he will make a good animal scientist, and hopefully he'll be able to change a tire or fix a leaky faucet. But I am getting off topic here.

After the museum, we head out for a late lunch. We find a Cuban restaurant, and Mikey is really excited about it, but not excited enough to stray from his French fries or to try the flan I order for desert. The food is good, the coffee is great, Mikey is well mannered, and we are having a great time. After lunch we head out to the beach for a bit, and relax.

Today was a nice day, an easy day. Our trip will come to an end soon. But it was a great trip and great time we had together. We did not see everything there was to see, not even half of it. We did not do a lot of the things I would do, but that's OK. As much as I wanted to go at my own pace, I have a little boy with me and I have to move at his pace. That means doing things that little boys like to do, like running, climbing, stopping to wash a coconut in the ocean for 20 minutes, going to the park, swinging, more climbing, and taking breaks. Watching cartoons in the morning. Eating French fries for lunch. And that's OK. He's happy. Over lunch he told me he had a good time in Florida, and he feels he belongs with me. What else can I wish for?


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