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Camping trip

On Thursday I took Mikey, Rebecca and Buni and we went downtown for a last walk and visit to the reptiles exhibit; then I sent them home and I sat quietly by myself at a café for a last cup of coffee in my favorite spot. In the evening I went out one last time with Mirela for beer and stories. On Friday we did last minute things, packed up and waited for Camelia to come pick us up for the last event of this trip. By 5:30 we were on the road, Camelia, Mikey and I, with all our luggage. It took us a bit over 2 hours to meet with Adi and Anca at the starting point of the valley where my brother wanted to take us camping. It is called Valea Frumoasei, roughly translated as the Valley of the Beauty, but I think it should be called the Beautiful Valley, because it is beautiful. A little river flows gently through steep hills covered in tall grasses, flowers and fir trees. The riverbanks are bordered by little meadows, sometimes wide as a football field, sometimes so narrow you barely know th

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